Intree App

Unlock perks and share experiences

Join private communities for access to unique offers, events and perks. Treat yourself, or share to connect with a friend.

Discover exclusive communities

Communities on Intree are invite-only. Step into the inner circle of your favorite brands or passions and connect with like-minded people.

Showcase yourself

You're not one-dimensional. Create multiple profiles to share different Aspects of your life with each community.

Expand your network

Use the Introductions feature to meet and connect people in your network.

Be on the inside

Get updates from the community feed, join group chats, and engage with other members who share your passions.

Claim unique membership passes

Every community on Intree offers membership passes that go beyond the ordinary. Passes unlock Treets—special event invites, VIP access, and tailored perks that bring you closer to the brands and communities you love.

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Welcome to the inner-circle

A pass is not a typical membership. It connects you with brands and communities that wants to offer something truly special - reserved for only a select few.


Exclusive perks and offers you won't find anywhere else.


Invitations to events and unique experiences.


Free, paid, event-specific, or subscription-based Passes crafted for you.

The best perks in life are shared

Some Passes come with Treets you can share. Be the one who spreads joy and unlocks advantages for your network wherever you go.


Share Treets instantly with just one click, through the app or a link.


Extend perks to anyone, even beyond your community


Spread joy and connect through shared experiences.

Intree QR code

No ads. No data-mining. No algorithms.

Modern platforms need modern business models. Intree monetizes through our SaaS tool, Intree Hub - never by selling your data.

A new business model

Intree envisions a social media model where people and businesses connect seamlessly, free from ad-driven distractions.


You control your experience—join communities, claim Passes, and enjoy perks, all on your terms.


Intree prioritizes privacy, safeguarding your data and ensuring secure interactions for meaningful connections.

Create your own community

Whether you're a CEO or a content creator, our platform helps you build stronger engagement with your members through membership passes and shareable perks.

Visit Intree Hub

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